Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Can aromatherapy help in school?

Did you remember your time in school, it might be the best years of your life and might also be the worst. Remember how you struggled to concentrate in the class because the hottest girl in your school smile to you this morning? ( Actually she is not smiling to you, but to your school quarterback that happened to walk behind you)

Did you remember the exam time? Yes, it's the worst, you study all night and you cannot remember anything in the exam. Is it just me or anybody else feel that this memory lapse thing is carried over to our life now? Forgot to pay bill, forgot your child performance, forgot your wife's birthday, and so on. I used to write it down on my daily planner, but guess what, I forgot to read it. Sounds stupid? But it happens.

Do you want your child to go through all the frustration in school just like you did? There is an alternative way to help them.

Five years ago, I was introduced to aromatherapy. Since then I am very fall in love with it. Though there is not a lot of scientific research going on, but I think that it suit me and has help me in many of my problems. One area that it has helped me improve is in concentration and memory.

aromatherapy is the art of healing using the natural aroma of plants. Aromatherapy is not a new science, it has been around 4,000 to 5,000 years. The ancient great civilization had used it.

Try aromatherapy today to help your child improve in school, visit for information on how to help your child do better at school.